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ESL accreditation consultant working with an ESL director

For many schools or programs undertaking this process for the first time, it can be daunting. It's hard to know where to begin.  For those who are up for renewal, the process can be just as painstaking. We provide comprehensive services to help you on your journey toward CEA (Commission on English Language Accreditation) or ACCET (Accreditation Council on Continuing Education and Training) accreditation. Whether it is a readiness consultation, a review of the final submission document or step-by-step help along the way, we are here to help. Below are some of our options.


Readiness reviews


a)Initial application review: done prior to beginning the accreditation process; evaluates basic aspects of your school as they relate to compliance with the general eligibility criteria


b) Self study: done at any time prior to the submission of the self study document; evaluates your school's strengths and weaknesses with regard to curriculum, policies and procedures, and student services as well as other program aspects


c) Pre-site visit: done prior to the accreditation site visit; evaluates your school's preparedness as it relates to on-site documents, record keeping, and procedural follow through


Document Review


a) Initial application: review of document for errors, omissions, and lack of compliance with general eligibility criteria  


b) Self study: review of entire document for errors, inconsistencies, and responses which fall short of meeting accreditation criteria 


c) Site visit response: review of document for errors, lack of clarity, and appropriateness of responses to concerns expressed by the site visit team


Full Service

Includes all three readiness-review consultations as well as evaluation of all documents prior to submission


Additional Services

Process-planning strategy consultation

Document revision and creation (handbooks and procedural manuals)

Policy and procedure evaluation and creation

Curriculum evaluation and standards alignment

Website and social media review


Please contact us by email at or phone at 703-870-9819 for pricing options.  






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